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Wednesday 18 April 2018

Monster Hunter World update 3.0 brings a host of quality-of-life improvements alongside Kulve Taroth content

Monster Hunter World is getting a big update later today that not only kicks off the Kulve Taroth Siege event, it brings a host of quality-of-life improvements and general fixes.

The new Monster Hunter World update (1.2GB) goes live today at 5pm PT, 8pm ET, 1am UK (April 19). The highlight additions are obviously the new Caverns of El Dorado area, and the Kulve Taroth Elder Dragon.

The Event Quest to hunt Kulve Taroth will only be available for a limited time, so you’ll need to get started ASAP if you want to build any of the two armour sets, or the cute Palico gear.

As far as big changes in update 3.0, a few quality-of-life changes are worth pointing out. To start with, the update makes it possible to adjust the size of the HUD text, as well as the subtitle text.

For those with an increasing stack of Investigations, you’ll now be able to filter and sort them for easier access to specific ones. When selling trade-in items gathered in the field, you’ll be able to sell all of them at once.

For players in late-game, pressing Square or X will now allow you to switch between Decoration name and Skill name when setting Decorations. Another big help is that armour can now be viewed at the Smithy, even when you have one or more pieces of Layered Armour equipped.

When fast travelling or returning to camp, the camera will no longer follow the active Scoutfly trail.

Outside of these updates, patch 3.0 also makes a big balance change to the effectiveness of Flash Pods. When used against Tempered Monsters, their effectiveness will gradually decline the more they’re used during the fight. If you continue spamming them, they will have no effect after a certain point.

To balance this out, Tempered Monsters Investigations will now net you better rewards depending on their threat level.

For the rest of the patch notes, see below:

Bug fixes

  • A bug has been fixed where the Jump Master skill would not activate during the beginning of the Vaulting Dance animation after a Jumping Advancing Slash or Strong Jumping Advancing Slash connect. The player will no longer go into a mid-air knockback animation.
  • A bug has been fixed where players would not recover from Defense Down status even when gaining a Defense Up buff from a Hunting Horn melody.
  • A bug has been fixed where during PS4 Ver 2.00/Xbox One, when the Self-Improvement Encore buff would add Attack Up for the player using the Hunting Horn, the Self-Improvement Encore message would not display “Attack Up + Deflected Attack Prevention”. The effect itself has not changed.
  • A bug has been fixed where your bait wouldn’t be consumed if you failed to reel in a giant creature.
  • A bug has been fixed where the Free Meal skill wouldn’t apply to Mushrooms you can eat via the Mushroomancer skill. Now when the Free Meal skill is active, Mushrooms will not be consumed when used.
  • A bug has been fixed where the lock-on cursor would target the space in front of Teostra’s face instead of the actual face when aiming the Slinger. The cursor will now lock onto Teostra’s face properly.
  • A bug has been fixed that caused Mining Outcrop points to not increase during High Rank quests and expeditions in all locales despite the environment info indicating that they are in upsurge.
  • A bug has been fixed to adjust the amount of Nitroshrooms harvested when using fertilizer. It has been adjusted to the following:
  • No Fertilizer: 2. Fungi Harvest Up (S): 2+2. Fungi Harvest Up (L): 2+6
  • A bug was fixed where the Charge Blade move “Sword: Sliding Slash” was displayed as “Advancing Slash” while in the Training Area.
  • A bug was fixed where the Gajau was classified as a Piscine Wyvern in the Monster Field Guide. It has been changed to its correct classification as Fish.

-In Ecological Research, there was a mistake in the level display for monsters found only in high rank that have a maximum of 4 levels of research. The following changes have been made to their monster field guide entries.

Research Level: Current Research Bonuses


  • Level 0: Monster Field Guide Level 1 (Ecology)
  • Level 1: Monster Field Guide Level 1 (Scoutfly Bonus only)
  • Level 2: Monster Field Guide Level 2 (Physiology)
  • Level 3: Monster Field Guide Level 3 (High Rank Reward page added)
  • Level 4: Monster Field Guide Level 4 (High Rank Reward rare materials and drop rates displayed)


  • Level 0: Monster Field Guide Level 1 (Ecology)
  • Level 1: Monster Field Guide Level 2 (Physiology)
  • Level 2: Monster Field Guide Level 3 (High Rank Reward page added)
  • Level 3: Monster Field Guide Level 4 (High Rank Reward rare materials and drop rates displayed)
  • Level 4: Monster Field Guide Level 4 (High Rank Reward rare materials and drop rates displayed)

Research Level: Next Level


  • Level 1: Habitat Info Added
  • Level 2: Material Info Added
  • Level 3: Rare Material Info Added
  • Level 4: N/A


  • Level 0: Ecology
  • Level 1: Material Info Added
  • Level 2: Rare Material Info Added
  • Level 3: N/A
  • Level 4: N/A

-In French, the Dragon Jewel 1 decoration had the same name as the Bow’s Dragon Piercer move. The decoration has been renamed to the following. If you have a Dragon Jewel 1 decoration in your possession, please be aware that your decoration has not been removed, but simply renamed.

  • Before: Joyau perce-dragon[1]
  • After: Joyau tueur de dragon[1]

-Description text for the following three trophies/achievements have been updated, as previous translations had the term giant crowns instead of making a distinction between gold and silver crowns. This fix is for all languages except Japanese and Traditional Chinese.

  • Giant Crown
  • Giant Crown Collector
  • Giant Crown Master

The post Monster Hunter World update 3.0 brings a host of quality-of-life improvements alongside Kulve Taroth content appeared first on VG247.

Source : vg247.com