GoGame365 - World of Games

Monday 24 September 2018

Nvidia RTX 2080 vs GTX 1080: How much faster is Nvidia’s new graphics card?

In my Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 review last week, we discovered that Nvidia’s super duper new graphics card was about as fast as their GTX 1080Ti when paired with Intel’s Core i5-8600K CPU, representing only the teensiest bit of improvement to your overall frames per second output if you were to bung one in your PC today. That may well change once we start seeing more games take advantage of the Nvidia’s clever speed-boosting AI-driven Turing tech, but until developers get their act together and start patching in support for all of Turing’s best features, all we’ve got to go on right now is raw performance data.

With this in mind, I thought I’d take a closer look at how the RTX 2080 compares to its direct predecessor, the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080. The former might not represent much of a leap past the GTX 1080’s souped up Ti cousin, but regular 1080 owners should see much better results compared to what they can do now, particularly when it comes to gaming at 4K. Let’s take a look.


Source : rockpapershotgun.com