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Friday 9 November 2018

Following NPCs around in Red Dead Redemption 2 reveals surprising depth

A YouTube channel has been experimenting with Red Dead Redemption 2’s simulated world and following NPCs around.

In the video, we see three NPCs tracked, each for 24 hours, to get a grasp of what the average AI routine looks like in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Each of the three NPCs has a different day. The first is a farmhand who skives off for most of the morning and carries the odd bag of feed before dicking off to the pub.

The second is a construction worker who cleans up, does some work, has a cheeky lunchtime pint, heads back to work, then goes back to the pub. He also sleeps in the saloon.

Lastly, the final NPC wakes up in the morning, chops wood and carries it to his tent, then heads to work as a stablehand. Most of his working day consists of filling up buckets of water. When it rains, he takes shelter and has a smoke break.

This last NPC also goes to the pub before stumbling back to his camp, sitting by a fire, and playing some harmonica.

Have a watch in this video (if it doesn’t show, refresh the page – we’re having some tech difficulties):

It’ll be interesting to see how these townsfolk routines compare to the citizens of Saint Denis. If you happen to follow any around for a full day, do tell us. It’s for science.

The post Following NPCs around in Red Dead Redemption 2 reveals surprising depth appeared first on VG247.

Source : vg247.com