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Tuesday 18 December 2018

Kingdom Come Deliverance Baptism of Fire quest guide – Fight Runt and storm Pribyslavitz

As he storms the Cuman camp at Pribyslavitz with Sir Radzig and Captain Robard, Henry faces off against Kingdom Come Deliverance’s first big baddie, the bandit captain Runt. This is how we completed the Baptism of Fire main quest.

Baptism of Fire requires strong combat skills, so you’re going to want to train up your chosen weapon speciality. Many enemies will be wearing heavy plate armour, so a mace is recommended. But above all, you’re going to need a strong bow and at least 20 decent arrows.

You can get these items by killing bandits as mentioned in our money making guide, or by buying them from merchants like the weaponsmith near Rattay town square.

It is also important that you reported the correct information to Sir Radzig during the Nest of Vipers quest, otherwise the raid can fail. You have to have told him that there are a lot of bandits and Cumans, and that the archers are well positioned.

Baptism of Fire quest guide:

  • Tell Sir Divish you’re ready to complete the Nest of Vipers quest
  • Watch the long cutscene and prepare for battle
  • Fight across the bridge
  • Defeat the first wave of response
  • Storm the Cuman camp and kill the commander
  • Deal with the archers
  • Storm the bandit camp
  • Duel with Runt

Starting the quest

Following your attempts at espionage in the Nest of Vipers quest, you’ll have learnt the location of the Cuman camp at Pribyslavitz and reported back to Sir Radzig, who told you to ride to Talmberg and recruit Sir Divish’s men for the oncoming battle.

Launching the assault

When you tell him you’re ready to go, you’ll be transported straight to the outskirts of Pribyslavitz. After a long cutscene where Henry discusses the plan of attack with Sir Radzig and Robard, you’ll start the raid at the bridge crossing. Walk with your fellow soldiers until you get to the bridge and Sir Radzig orders you to cross.

There are bowmen on the other side, so rush across and poke them with a few close-quarters hits while their swords are sheathed. By the time they’ve properly reacted to your push, your allies will have crossed the bridge and be ready to back you up. So retreat and let your corps do their work while you chip in with hits.

This is the best way to get through the battle alive. Stay on the periphery of the melee and launch quick attacking runs at unaware enemies. They won’t block your hits if they’re engaging someone else, and when you retreat they’ll get aggroed by other soldiers rather than chase you.

Raid the Cuman camp

Once you’ve crossed the bridge, you’ll meet more resistance at the entrance to the camp. Stick with your buddies and help out where you can.

When they’re done, Sir Radzig will order an attack on the Cuman portion of Pribyslavitz. Wait for the cart to be moved, then charge in with your allies.

There are two objectives here: kill the Cuman commander and deal with the archers.

The archers will be up some stairs on a bank to your left when you enter this section. It’s easiest to bring them down into the scrum with you, so rush up the stairs, poke them with a few hits until they draw their swords, and they’ll chase you down into the waiting blades of your friends.

Repeat your strategy from the previous two fights and the commander will go down. If you see where he falls, try and loot his helmet – it’s worth a good amount of coin and isn’t too heavy.

Storm the bandits and burnt out building

When the Hungarians are dead, your army with advance up the hill into the bandit portion of the encampment.

These guys are well armoured and some of them have long weapons like halberds and Bohemian earspoons, so be careful not to draw their aggro.

Stay on the side lines, hit where you can, back off when you’re outnumbered.

As their numbers thin, Sir Radzig and Robard will give the order to raid the burnt out church. When the rest of the bandits are dead, it’ll trigger a cutscene where Henry sees Runt and rushes after him.

Kill Runt

Sensing the chance to avenge his parents, Henry follows runt to an attic room and faces him one-on-one.

This fight is total garbage if your stats aren’t that high, so get ready to rage.

Runt is an incredibly tough fighter capable of blocking nearly all of your blows and returning them in kind. It’s very hard to run him out of stamina and even when you do land a hit, he’s well armoured.

Blunt damage method

If you’re injured when the fight starts, you have a couple of seconds to open your menu and down a healing item before you enter combat mode – so take advantage.

If you want to kill Runt legitimately, blunt damage is recommended to counter his plate armour and deal damage to his unprotected head. Shields are also good for countering his strikes.

But there are a couple of cheesy strategies to beat him too.

Middle-distance poking method

This method still requires you to stand and fight Runt, but takes advantage of the game’s running animation. If you constantly move backwards away from Runt, when you open a big enough gap he’ll start to sprint after you.

When he does this, he leaves his body open to an attack at medium range. Dive in for a strike, then rinse and repeat.

Arrow to the head method

The second strategy is more trial-and-error, but there’s an auto-save at the start of the fight anyway.

What you have to do is equip and draw a bow a couple of seconds before he runs for you at the start of the fight.

Then keep as much distance from him as you can and fire arrows at his head. It’s not armoured, so with any decent bow and arrows, you’ll kill Runt in just a couple of direct hits.

You will take hits this way and you will have to get lucky to an extent, but it is by far the easiest way to beat him.

If you’re on PC, you can enable a firing reticle for bows by entering “wh_pl_showfirecursor 1” into the console. If you don’t know how to activate the console, check out our full guide to Kingdom Come Deliverance’s console commands.

Finishing up

With Runt dead, you’ll get an ominous cutscene of what’s to come before being transported back to Rattay.

As a reward for your valour, Sir Hanush has granted you your own room in the lower keep at Rattay.

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Source : vg247.com