GoGame365 - World of Games

Friday 27 April 2018

Nintendo Labo Robot Kit Review

It’s hard not to balk at the $80 price tag on a package that contains mostly cardboard, but the bigger and more elaborate Robot Kit is a step in the right direction for Nintendo’s new kid-aimed concoction. While the Variety Kit (review) is mostly a package of fun but limited ideas, the Robot Kit shows off the goofy potential of what Labo might do with future kits with a more elaborate toy that makes its simple game a whole-body experience.

Of the two kits available at launch, the Robot Kit is by far the most complex and challenging individual Toy-Con to assemble. It takes an adult roughly four hours to build, and longer with kids pitching in. But once assembled, the clever backpack-like device contains a series of weighted cardboard bricks, each of which is tethered by a string to your hands and feet. When you extend one of your limbs, it pulls the string and hoists the brick upward, allowing the inserted Joy-Con’s IR camera to read the reflective markings on the back and send that info to the Switch to control an on-screen robot. Finally, there’s a cardboard visor strapped to your head to complete the look and add a view-switching option.

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Source : IGN.com