GoGame365 - World of Games

Tuesday 1 May 2018

VR rhythm game Beat Saber swishes into early access


My Vive, which once made me literally dance with joy, gathers dust. That’s less to do with how much fun I know I’d have if I set the damn thing up, and everything to do with the faff. I’ve got to deal with wobbly lighthouse stands, a PC that turns off if I bump into it and the hassle of putting contact lenses in. Why contend with all of that, when there’s so much I could play that’s only a few mouse clicks away?

Beat Saber will make me contend with all of that. It’s a VR rhythm game that equips you with two lightsabres and an urge to slice up blocks that fly at you in time to the beat, sometimes while dodging obstacles. It just came out on early access, and the devs say their goal “is to make players almost dance” – which is music to my ears.


Source : rockpapershotgun.com