Oi, oi, enough laughing at the back. Yes, the robots have their prominent cockpits mounted at crotch height. Done giggling? Good. Questionable pilot seating aside, Zone Of The Enders The 2nd Runner: M∀RS (to give it its full and incredibly clunky name) still looks and plays great to this day, despite being a fifteen-year-old PS2 game under its glossy 4k (and optionally VR) remastering.
Zone Of The Enders 2 (what everyone actually calls it) is a wildly over-the-top anime mecha brawl-o-shooter. The series was director Hideo Kojima’s other big Konami project outside of Metal Gear. Later today, it’ll be available on PC, and while you wait it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try the demo, and sneak a peek at the infomercial-ish trailer detailing the features of this port below.
Source : rockpapershotgun.com