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Thursday, 6 September 2018

Pokemon Go Celebi Quest: A Ripple in Time special research event quest steps to catch Celebi

Celebi has arrived in Pokemon Go, but to catch the mythical creature you’ll need to complete a special research quest: A Ripple in Time.

The special research quest for Celebi is very similar to the one that allowed players to catch Mew in early 2018, taking place as a ‘Special Research Quest’ as explained in our guide to Pokemon Go Field Research Quests. That guide deals primarily deals with the rotating monthly ‘field research’ you pick up from Pokestops, however – while Special Research is its own unique thing that has its own very specific mythical reward – Mew for the first string of missions, then Celebi for the second.

Celebi first made its debut at the Pokemon Go Fest in Chicago, but now the psychic and grass-type mythical Pokemon’s quest, ‘A Ripple in Time’, is available to all. Let’s get down to how you complete the different quest steps in this special research mission in order to catch Celebi…

Pokemon Go Celebi Special Research Quest: how to unlock the quest and how it works

As mentioned above, catching yourself a Celebi in Pokemon Go requires you to tackle the ‘A Ripple in Time’ special research event quest, but access to that quest isn’t there from the word go. Instead, you’ll have to first get to a certain point in the Special Research quest for Mew, ‘A Mythical Discovery’.

Mew’s quest will be available right from when Special Research Missions first open up, and you’ll need to advance the Mew quest line to its fourth stage before the Celebi quests unlock. If you’re already at that stage or further, the Celebi A Ripple in Time quest line will be ready to go for you.

Unlike Field Research quests, the quest steps for Pokemon Go’s Celebi missions are fixed the same for every player – there’s no element of random chance here, instead eight different quest phases, each with three missions and associated rewards. Completing one phase will open up the next, and completing all eight stages will then give you the chance to catch Celebi and a bunch of candy for the mythical creature.

Here’s the quest steps for the Pokemon Go Celebi Quest ‘A Ripple in Time’, complete with objectives and rewards. Remember, you’ll need to complete all three missions on any given phase of the missions in order to then unlock the next set.

Pokemon Go Celebi Quest: Event Quest Steps, Missions & Rewards

  • A Ripple in Time Celebi Quest: Step 1 of 8
  • Power up a Pokémon 5 times
  • Battle in a Gym 2 times
  • Battle in a raid
  • Reward: 10 Pokeballs, Fast TM, Special Incubator
  • A Ripple in Time Celebi Quest: Step 2 of 8
  • Make 3 new Friends
  • Catch a Pokemon 3 days in a row
  • Evolve an evolved grass-type Pokemon
  • Reward: Sun Stone evolution item, 1500 Stardust, Premium Raid Pass
  • A Ripple in Time Celebi Quest: Step 3 of 8
  • Reach level 25
  • Use a Sun Stone to evolve Gloom or Sunkern
  • Hatch 9 eggs
  • Reward: Eevee encounter, King’s Rock evolution item, Premium Raid Pass
  • A Ripple in Time Celebi Quest: Step 4 of 8
  • Walk 10km with Eevee as your buddy to earn Candy
  • Evolve Eevee into Espeon during the day
  • Send 20 Gifts to Friends
  • Reward: Eevee encounter, 2500 Stardust, Metal Coat evolution item
  • A Ripple in Time Celebi Quest: Step 5 of 8
  • Walk 10km with Eevee as your buddy to earn Candy
  • Evolve Eevee into Umbreon at night
  • Trade a Pokemon
  • Reward: Star Piece, 15 Pinap Berries, Up-Grade evolution item
  • A Ripple in Time Celebi Quest: Step 6 of 8
  • Visit PokeStops 7 days in a row
  • Use 25 Pinap Berries while catching Pokemon
  • Use special evolution items to evolve Pokemon 2 times
  • Reward: 3500 Stardust, Dragon Scale evolution item, 5 Silver Pinap Berries
  • A Ripple in Time Celebi Quest: Step 7 of 8
  • Catch 40 Grass- or Psychic-type Pokemon
  • Make an Excellent Curveball Throw
  • Earn a Gold Johto Medal
  • Reward: Charge TM, 10 Silver Pinap Berries, Celebi encounter
  • A Ripple in Time Celebi Quest: Step 8 of 8
  • Catch Celebi!
  • Reward: 5500 Stardust, Super Incubator, 20 Celebi Candy.

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Source : vg247.com