GoGame365 - World of Games

Friday 21 September 2018

The Flare Path: Merlinadequate?

Setting your new combat flight sim in beleaguered 1940 Britain is both a safe and a risky choice. Because helpful individuals have been producing publicity material for BoB sims for almost 80 years, most potential customers won’t need to peruse a feature list or read a preview to realise that you’re offering them a recreation of an air battle in which the stakes couldn’t be higher, the venue more bucolic, and the leadspewing leads more charismatic. Release a few ravishing beta pics of sun-kissed Spitfire Mk 1s and your creation will attract armchair aces the way an unescorted skein of Stukas attracts swarms of marauding Hurricanes. (more…)

Source : rockpapershotgun.com