BioWare is getting ready to show off new Anthem gameplay soon.
Anthem lead producer Michael Gamble has revealed that he’s going to be hosting an Anthem livestream on Thursday, November 1 with co-lead producer Ben Irving.
Though Gamble didn’t give away too many details, he did confirm that the pair will “grab a random build” of Anthem to show off, hoping that it wouldn’t crash. “Hijinks and hilarity will ensue … we think,” said Gamble.
As you can see in the tweet, the stream was initially scheduled for Halloween on Wednesday, but Gamble later confirmed it’ll instead take place the following day.
So I think @BenIrvo and I are going to livestream some Anthem on Halloween. We’re going to just grab a random build and hopefully not crash. Hijinks and hilarity will ensue…we think.
— Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) October 22, 2018
It’s been a while since we’ve been treated to some new Anthem footage. Outside of the big gameplay reveal at E3, BioWare has largely been keeping it quiet. Though the developer did answer a few fan questions here and there, the team has mostly been busy getting the game to the alpha stage.
Hopefully, with the majority of launch content being in the game currently, BioWare will have a bit more leeway of what it can show.
We’ll bring you all the details about the stream schedule as soon as they’re revealed. Until then, catch up on everything we know about Anthem in our one-stop shop.
The post BioWare is hosting an Anthem stream next week appeared first on VG247.
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