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Friday, 2 November 2018

Destiny 2: Forsaken – Last Wish raid: how to beat the first boss Kalli, the Corrupted

The Last Wish raid is live in Destiny 2: Forsaken, and we have a few tips for you on how to beat the first boss, Kalli, the Corrupted.

Destiny 2: Forsaken players are currently tackling the Last Wish raid where you need to face various bosses, the first of which is Kalli.

Because there are five separate encounters players need to complete in order to beat Last Wish, we’re going to break our raid guide into sections. It will save you a bit of reading, plus it will be easier to find the specific information needed.

Before we get started, here’s a quick recap: you must have completed Forsaken’s campaign and have access to the Dreaming City; and you must be at least level 520 to tackle the raid – but 550 is recommended.

If you’re looking for help in reaching those levels in Destiny 2 Forsaken, our detailed guide includes plenty of advice including unlocking subclasses and supers, exotic weapons like the Two-Tailed Fox, and the Double Trouble Triumph.

When entering the Tower of Opened Eyes, there will be plates each team member will need to stand on and defend. Each plate correlates with a symbol, and standing on these plates will spawn six knights. Defeating the knights correlating with the plate symbols will open up the middle of the room, and the DPS phase.

During this phase, players will jump into small safe rooms to avoid Kalli’s wipe mechanic. This process will be completed until the boss is dead.

It’s rather straightforward mechanically, as Arekkz notes in his video, but to help matters, we’ve broken everything down below.

Destiny 2: Forsaken – Last Wish raid – how to beat Kalli, the Corrupted

  • Upon loading into the Tower of Opened Eyes, players will see Kalli in a circular pit in the centre of the room. Hovering around the room are eight symbols. Six of these correspond to the plates players will be standing on. The symbols are in matching pairs, and Arekkz says his team named each symbol. Giving the symbols names will help matters when communicating with teammates.
  • One team member will choose a symbol, and go to one of the plates which feature the chosen symbol. Once everyone has chosen a symbol and are ready to start the encounter, they will jump on the plates at once.
  • Once the player stands on their plate, 2/3 of it will start glowing and orbs will appear. The player needs to stand on the spot which is not glowing because when the orb detonates, the player will be killed. Once the orbs have detonated, the player will need to move to the next non-glowing area of the plate. While this is happening, Taken Thrall adds will spawn. They can die rather quickly, so kill them and maintain the position.
  • Sometimes, Kalli – the boss – will spawn near the player and if this happens, temporarily jump off the plate to avoid being hit if at the minimum 520 level. Otherwise, it could result in a one shot death. Those at a higher level can just shoot her until she gets fed up and moves on to a different plate.
  • The first part occurs in cycles, and once the player’s plate cycle is complete, a knight will spawn.  Kill it. Once the knight is dead, the player can then jump off the plate to go help a teammate.
  • When all spawned knights are dead, the team needs to head to the middle of the room. This is a good time for Warlocks on the team who have Healing Rift, Damage Rift, or Well of Radiance to drop it and start in on Kalli.
  • When Kalli has taken a certain amount of damage, she will raise her hand in the air. A notice will appear on the screen stating: Kalli prepares to wield her weapon. When a white glow appears above her, stop attacking immediately.
  • Below her are two rows of glass doors. These are the safe rooms mentioned at the beginning of this guide, and each will hold only one player.
  • Shortly after Kalli begins to summon her weapon, the doors will open. Pick a door, run inside the room, and the door will close. These rooms save players from her wipe mechanic. Arekkz’s team “split” into two teams of three. When one set of doors opened, three members ran into their chosen safe room. Once inside, the other three players went to their respective rooms. This helps avoid a scramble for the same door.
  • Once the doors open back up, there will be adds in the center of the room. Clear them out, and the team is given a second turn for DPS.
  • The team will repeat the process with Kalli: damage her; wait for her to summon her weapon; run into a safe room; wait for the doors to open; clear the adds; and another chance for DPS opens up. Previously used safe rooms will no longer work,  so players will need to choose a different room the second time around.
  • This is a three round fight with Kalli, so be prepared to blast Kalli and run into safe rooms a total of three times. Once the third DPS turn is complete, it’s back to the plates.
  • Do the same thing as last time, kill the knight, and go fight Kalli. Between each of the DPS rotations, the symbols on the plates will change. When this occurs, players will need to check the designated symbol in the middle of the room before stepping on the plates again. If not done properly, players will have to contend with two ogres at 580 power.
  • Depending upon the damage Kalli took during the first three DPS rounds, players may need to complete a third plate phase. If so, the team will likely take Kalli down rather quickly. Possibly even before she starts summoning her weapon.
  • Upon completion of the encounter with Kalli, players will be rewarded with their third Seed of Light.

And that’s it. Well done, Guardians.

Stay tuned for Last Wish guides on how to beat the other boss encounters.

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Source : vg247.com