If you’ve been out of the loop regarding World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, but you’ve played the game and always wanted to be one of the many unplayable races you’ve encountered, you may be in luck. Battle for Azeroth brought with it the ability to play new types of Elves, Tauren, Dwarves, Trolls and even Humans.
Now, that’s all good and well, but when I was hours into Battle for Azeroth, I stumbled across the Tortollans. Actual Turtle People. I completely lost it, turned to my wife, and, just south of yelling, expressed my desire to inhabit the reality of these heroes in a half-shell as I set about saving the many worlds of Warcraft. This got me thinking on the many different, currently unplayable things that can offer rich and new ways to play WoW.
Source : rockpapershotgun.com