GoGame365 - World of Games

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Conglomerate 451 looks a bit Grimrock-meets-XCOM-in-cyberpunk-cosplay

Fantasy folk and cyberpunks have much in common. They wear studded leather/pleather gloves, they can work wonders with the right incantation/code, they lust for gold coins/credit card numbers, they’re a grubby lot whose morals can be overwritten by the promise of a big haul, and they’re mega-horny. So how come fantasy nerks get to do all the dungeon-crawling? Italian studio say thee nay RuneHeads, making a first-person, turn-based, grid-wandering, roguelikelike dungeon-crawler that’s set not in a medieval fantasy world but a cyberpunk future with neon lights and PVC tity armour galore. Conglomerate 451 is its name and coming to early access soon is its game. For now, hark, a trailer.


Source : rockpapershotgun.com