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Thursday, 7 March 2019

Pokemon Go Egg Chart: 2km, 5km, 7km and 10km egg hatches for March

One of the most reliable ways to get your hands on new Pokemon in Pokemon Go is through egg hatching. But what Pokemon can you expect from each type of eggs?

Unlike over in the main Nintendo console based Pokemon games, you don’t have to breed Pokemon to get your hands on Pokemon eggs. In fact, there’s no breeding mechanic at all. Instead, you’ll be rewarded eggs through visiting Pokestops throughout the world or through being given gifts by your friends. Hatching eggs is a great way to farm candy and actually has a good chance of providing better Pokemon with better stats than you might find out in the wild. Some of the rarer, best Pokemon in Pokemon Go are most easily obtained through hatching eggs, which is handy. If a Pokemon shiny form is in the game, there’s a chance for shiny when an egg hatches, too.

Pokemon Eggs are basically a mystery draw: you have no idea what you’re going to hatch until it hatches, though there are four different types of egg in the game and that’ll give you a broad idea of what to expect in terms of both hatch time and the potential Pokemon inside. Listing off a chart of the Pokemon that can hatch from each egg is one of the key purposes of this page, in fact – but we’ll get to that in a moment.

On this page we dive into the different types of egg, what Pokemon can hatch from them, and how to make eggs hurry up and hatch that little bit more quickly – but first, let’s quickly talk about how egg hatching works.

Pokemon Go Egg Hatching: getting eggs, hatching eggs and speeding up hatching

As we mention above, Pokemon Eggs can be obtained in Pokemon Go through Pokestops and gifts from friends. There are four different types of eggs, named after how far you have to travel in order to hatch them: 2km, 5km, 7km and 10km.

2km, 5km and 7km Pokemon Eggs are obtained through simply going to Pokestops and swiping them as with other items. 7km eggs are different, and can only be obtained from gift packages sent by friends. Gifts drop from Pokestops and while you can’t open them yourself you can then send them to friends so they can reap the benefits. A lot of different options can drop from gifts, but one are the unique 7km eggs, which have their own unique set of Pokemon associated with them (including Alola form Pokemon from Ultra Sun & Moon).

You can only carry 9 Pokemon eggs at once – if you have 9 and find one at a Pokestop, you’ll be forced to leave it behind. None will drop from gifts at all if your egg inventory is full. You’ve been warned.

Once you have Pokemon Eggs, you hatch them by putting them into incubators – just touch an egg and then choose an Incubator to put it in. You’ve got one unlimited incubator that has endless uses (this is the orange one), and this incubator is best used to hatch those fast-hatching 2km eggs. You can buy other types of Incubator or get them as rewards – they have three limited uses, after which they’ll break. The regular Incubator (blue) hatches at normal speed, while the Super Incubator (purple) hatches 1.5 times faster.

In order to hatch, all you need to do is walk with them in the incubator. Pokemon Go needs to be open, but you should consider turning on battery saving mode before slipping your phone into your pocket. This is also where the Pokemon Go Plus comes most in handy – you can use it to actually fully lock your phone and walk around while still racking up distance for Pokemon Go’s egg hatching – which in turn will save you a lot of battery.

Once you’ve walked the distance indicated by the egg name, a Pokemon will emerge. As you’d expect, rarer Pokemon come out of longer-distance eggs. Keep in mind if you’re cycling or riding as a passenger in a car that Pokemon Go only seems to track the distance traveled towards your egg hatching if you’re traveling at slower speeds – around 10mph or less.

Pokemon Go Egg Chart March 2019: what Pokemon you can get from 2km, 5km, 7km and 10km eggs

Okay, people, here’s where things get in-depth. As explained earlier (if you haven’t read it, go back!) there are four different types of Pokemon Egg in Pokemon Go – and the art of egg hatching is an exercise in random chance. Below we’re going to make it feel at least a little less random, and we’re going to accomplish that by listing Egg Charts for hatching for each egg type.

We’re also going to show a picture as well as name each Pokemon, to make matters easier, plus list what generation they’re from, what they can evolve into (and at what cost) and of course their type to cross reference with the Pokemon Go type chart of strengths and weaknesses. With any luck this’ll make your Pokemon Go Egg Hatching adventures far easier.

So, let’s get to that – here’s what Pokemon can hatch from each egg type. We’ll do our best to keep it up to date with patchces and changes. (Last updated on January 2019.)

Pokemon Go 2km Egg Chart

Pokemon Image Type Evolutions?  
Machop Fighting Machoke (25 Candy) > Machamp (100 Candy) Gen 1
Nidoran F
Poison Nidorina (25 Candy), Nidoqueen (100 Candy) Gen 1
Nidoran M
Fairy Nidorino (25 Candy), Nidoking (100 Candy) Gen 1
Psychic Kadabra (25 Candy), Alakazam (100 Candy) Gen 1
Poison / Flying Golbat (25 Candy), Crobat (100 Candy) Gen 1
Grass / Poison Weepinbell (25 Candy), Victreebel (100 Candy) Gen 1
Water / Psychic Slowbro (50 Candy), Slowking (50 Candy & King's Rock) Gen 1
Water Gyarados (400 Candy) Gen 1
Ghost / Poison Haunter (25 Candy), Gengar (100 Candy) Gen 1
Ghost Mismagius (50 Candy & Dusk Stone) Gen 2
Steel / Rock Lairon (25 Candy), Aggron (100 Candy) Gen 3
Ice / Ground Piloswine (50 Candy), Mamoswine (100 Candy) Gen 3
Luvdisc Water Gen 3
Water Wailord (50 Candy) Gen 3
Normal / Flying Altaria (50 Candy) Gen 3
Kricketot Bug Kricketune (50 Candy) Gen 4
Starly Normal / Flying Staravia (25 Candy), Staraptor (100 Candy) Gen 4

Pokemon Go 5km Egg Chart

Pokemon Image Type Evolutions?  
Growlithe https://ift.tt/2TxULeO Fire Arcanine (50 Candy) Gen 1
Water Poliwhirl (25 Candy), Poliwrath (100 Candy), Politoed (100 Candy & King's Rock) Gen 1
Electric / Steel Magneton (50 Candy), Magnezone (100 Candy) Gen 1
Rock / Ground Steelix (50 Candy & Metal Coat) Gen 1
Normal Lickilicky (50 Candy) Gen 1
Rhyhorn https://ift.tt/2J7LDcC Ground / Rock Rhydon (50 Candy), Rhyperior (100 Candy & Sinnoh Stone) Gen 1
Grass Tangrowth (50 Candy) Gen 1
Horsea https://ift.tt/2TDFyc4 Water Seadra (50 Candy), Kingdra (100 Candy & Dragon Scale) Gen 1
Bug / Flying Scizor (50 Candy & Metal Coat) Gen 1
Normal Many. See our Eevee Evolutions guide. Gen 1
Bug / Flying Yanmega (50 Candy) Gen 2
Bug Forretress (50 Candy) Gen 2
Ground / Flying Gliscor (50 Candy) Gen 2
Dark / Ice Weavile (100 Candy & Sinnoh Stone) Gen 2
Dark / Fire Houndoom (50 Candy) Gen 2
Ground Donphan (50 Candy) Gen 2
Water / Grass Lombre (25 Candy), Ludicolo (100 Candy & Water Stone) Gen 3
Rock Probopass (50 Candy) Gen 3
Electric Manectric (50 Candy) Gen 3
Carvanha https://ift.tt/2J7LANY Water / Dark Sharpedo (50 Candy) Gen 3
Grass Cacturne (50 Candy) Gen 3
Rock / Grass Cradily (50 Candy) Gen 3
Rock / Bug Armaldo (50 Candy) Gen 3
Ghost Dusclops (25 Candy), Dusknoir (100 Candy & Reaper Cloth) Gen 3
Ice Gen 3
Buizel https://ift.tt/2TxULLQ Water Floatzel (50 Candy) Gen 4
Normal Lopunny (50 Candy) Gen 4
Glameow https://ift.tt/2IZ3oea Normal Purugly (50 Candy) Gen 4
Poison / Dark Skuntank (50 Candy) Gen 4
Poison / Fighting Toxicroak (50 Candy) Gen 4
Grass / Ice Abomasnow (50 Candy) Gen 4

Pokemon Go 7km Egg Chart

Pokemon Image Type Evolutions? Gen
Alolan Meowth
Dark Alolan Persian (50 Candy) Gen 1 / SM
Alolan Sandshrew
Ice / Steel Alolan Sandslash (50 Candy) Gen 1 / SM
Alolan Rattata
Dark / Normal Alolan Raticate (50 Candy) Gen 1 / SM
Alolan Grimer
Poison / Dark Alolan Muk (50 Candy) Gen 1 / SM
Alolan Vulpix
Ice Alolan Ninetales (50 Candy) Gen 1 / SM
Igglybuff Fairy Jigglypuff (25 Candy), Wigglytuff (100 Candy) Gen 2
Electric Pikachu (25 Candy), Raichu (100 Candy) Gen 2
Fairy Togetic (50 Candy), Togekiss (100 Candy & Sinnoh Stone) Gen 2
Ice / Psychic Jynx (50 Candy) Gen 2
Fighting Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or Hitmontop Gen 2
Electric Electabuzz (50 Candy), Electvire (100 Candy & Sinnoh Stone) Gen 2
Fire Magmar (50 Candy), Magmortar (100 Candy & Sinnoh Stone) Gen 2
Normal / Fairy Marill (25 Candy), Azumarill (100 Candy) Gen 3
Psychic Wobuffet (50 Candy) Gen 3
Water Milotic (50 Candy & Prism Scale) Gen 3
Steel / Psychic Gen 3
Bug / Ground Ninjask (50 Candy), Shedinja (50 Candy) Gen 3
Steel / Fairy Gen 3
Dark Gen 3
Grass Roselia (50 Candy), Roserade (100 Candy & Sinnoh Stone) Gen 4
Psychic Chimecho (50 Candy) Gen 4
Normal Snorlax (50 Candy) Gen 4
Water / Flying Mantine (50 Candy) Gen 4
Fighting Lucario (50 Candy) Gen 4

Pokemon Go 10km Egg Chart

Pokemon Image Type Evolution?  
Rock / Flying Gen 1
Dragon Dragonair (25 Candy), Dragonite (100 Candy) Gen 1
Normal Porygon2 (50 Candy & Upgrade), Porygon Z (100 Candy) Gen 1
Rock / Ground Pupitar (25 Candy), Tyranitar (100 Candy) Gen 2
Electric Flaaffy (25 Candy), Ampharos (100 Candy) Gen 2
Dragon Shelgon (25 Candy), Salamence (100 Candy) Gen 3
Steel / Psychic Metang (25 Candy), Metagross (100 Candy) Gen 3
Water Milotic (50 Candy & Prism Scale) Gen 3
Normal Vigoroth (25 Candy), Slaking (100 Candy) Gen 3
Ground Vibrava (25 Candy), Flygon (100 Candy) Gen 3
Electric Luxio (25 Candy), Luxray (100 Candy) Gen 4
Fighting Lucario (50 Candy) Gen 4
Ghost / Flying Drifblim (50 Candy) Gen 4
Poison / Bug Drapion (50 Candy) Gen 4

The post Pokemon Go Egg Chart: 2km, 5km, 7km and 10km egg hatches for March appeared first on VG247.

Source : vg247.com