GoGame365 - World of Games

Monday 25 March 2019

Roccat Sova review: The ultimate lapboard

There are many things I like about working from home, but having to play games in my office at the weekend because that’s where my gaming PC lives isn’t one of them. Instead, I want to be downstairs playing games in our living room, where I’ve got easy access to the kettle / biscuit tin and can actually spend some time with my husband and fellow RPG vid bud Matthew instead holing myself up in our lonely back bedroom for a large chunk of the day.

Of course, playing games in the living room is quite different to playing games at a desk. For starters, the desk doesn’t exist, and unlike the myriad of console boxes sitting under our TV, Windows 10 isn’t really designed to be used with a controller. Instead, you need a mouse and keyboard, whether it’s for simple things like logging into Steam and firing up a game, or actually using them to play said games. Corsair’s K83 Wireless entertainment keyboard is one way of doing it, but a proper lapboard such as the Roccat Sova is definitely the way to go if you want to replicate that full best gaming keyboard experience from the comfort of your couch.


Source : rockpapershotgun.com