GoGame365 - World of Games

Monday, 22 April 2019

Nowpunk and the politics of the personal in Neo Cab

Neo Cab is that game you’ve seen about being an Uber or Lyft style gig-economy driver, set in a dystopian sci-fi future. It has been described as “neon-drenched” because that is the only way we have thought of to describe “thing that is cyberpunk” so far.

“We don’t actually self-identify as cyberpunk,” said Patrick Ewing, creative director of the developers Chance Agency, and not a retired basketball player. “We call ourselves ‘nowpunk’.” Neo Cab is, he explains, about a world where we just continue on our current trajectory. “I do think that’s the job of dystopian sci fi, is to warn you of something while there’s still a chance of changing it.”


Source : rockpapershotgun.com