GoGame365 - World of Games

Friday, 5 April 2019

The Flare Path: April Cowers

By next Friday I should have answers to all these questions… How do AI-controlled Steel Division II attackers react to player-deployed obstacles like barbed wire and trenches? Are new commands like Quick Hunt (unit uses roads while stalking) and Efficient Shot (unit will only open fire when hit and penetration chance is over 40%) as useful as they appear? Is the new radio mechanic (units bombarding targets within the ‘aura’ of a friendly radio owner enjoy greater accuracy) clever shorthand or a half-hearted sop? Are ‘command chains’ (buff-transmitting strings of leaders anchored by new commander units) a fiddly distraction or a welcome nod to serious tactical titles like Combat Mission and Graviteam Tactics? (more…)

Source : rockpapershotgun.com