GoGame365 - World of Games

Monday 16 July 2018

Monster Hunter and Final Fantasy XIV’s crossover blends the best of both worlds this August

Final Fantasy XIV x Monster Hunter

Final Fantasy XIV and Monster Hunter: World are both games near and dear to my heart, and colliding in a major crossover event next month, at least in the case of Final Fantasy XIV. While I’m hopeful that this crossover will accompany the PC release of Monster Hunter: World on August 9th, we’re poking Capcom for confirmation either way.

Headed to Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is the ever-cranky wyvern Rathalos, while Monster Hunter: World is to be visited by Moogles and Cactuars and stomped all over by a Behemoth, one of the Final Fantasy series’s recurring boss beasties. Below, a pair of trailers that charmingly ape each other’s styles.


Source : rockpapershotgun.com