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Friday 2 November 2018

World of Warcraft: Classic demo has a 60-minute session limit at launch

Blizzard has revealed that, at launch, the World of Warcraft: Classic demo will come with one big limitation.

The World of Warcraft: Classic demo, which kicks off alongside BlizzCon 2018 later today, is included in the show’s Virtual Ticket. Considering the massive demand for vanilla World of Warcraft, Blizzard has put some rules in place.

The biggest by far is a 60-minute session playtime limit. The way it’s set up, though, is needlessly complicated. Though you won’t be able to play the demo for more than 60 minutes at a time, the session actually has a 90-minute cooldown.

In other words, if you start your session at the last 45 or 30 minutes of the 90-minute window, you won’t be able to play the full hour. Likewise, if you sync your starting time with the session’s start, you’ll have to do something else for 30 minutes until you can play again.

Community manager Ythisens explained on the Battle.net forums that Blizzard is doing this to ensure everyone can experience the demo, and assured fans the limitations will be lifted once the initial rush has passed.

As far as content, the World of Warcraft: Classic demo also has a few other quirks. For one thing, you won’t be starting at level 1. Instead, you’ll be given a level 15 character.

Alliance players will start at Westfall, with Horde players getting access to Barrens. You’ll be able to level up to level 19, but Blizzard is allowing players to create multiplayer characters with multiple races to experience the different content.

Blizzard also confirmed that your character progress will be saved between playing sessions, which should alleviate some of the issues having time-limited sessions introduces.

Blizzard could reveal a thing or two about World of Warcraft: Classic during the BlizzCon 2018 opening keynote, which kicks off later today.

The post World of Warcraft: Classic demo has a 60-minute session limit at launch appeared first on VG247.

Source : vg247.com